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Image de l'écrivainJuifs européens unis


Mise à jour : 18 janv. 2022

Le concept relativement nouveau du sionisme n'est apparu qu'il y a une centaine d'années et, depuis lors, les juifs fidèles à la Torah se sont fermement opposés à l'idéologie sioniste. Cette lutte s'appuie sur deux convictions :

Zionism, by advocating a political and military end to the Jewish exile, denies the very essence of our Diaspora existence. We are in exile by Divine Decree and may emerge from exile solely via Divine Redemption. All human efforts to alter a metaphysical reality are doomed to end in failure and bloodshed. History has clearly borne out this teaching. Zionism has not only denied our fundamental belief in Heavenly Redemption it has also created a pseudo-Judaism which views the essence of our identity to be a secular nationalism. Accordingly, Zionism and the Israeli state have consistently endeavored, via persuasion and coercion, to replace a Divine and Torah-centered understanding of our peoplehood with an armed materialism.

Nous cherchons à dissocier les Juifs et le judaïsme traditionnel de l'idéologie sioniste en :

Providing historical and supporting documentation that Zionism is totally contrary to the teachings of traditional Judaism through the words of our Rabbis, Sages, and Holy Scriptures which oppose the creation of a state called Israel. Providing historical documentation on how the Zionism ideology and creation of their statehood, actions and activities had a negative impact on the Jewish people in the past hundred years up to the present day. Publicizing the many efforts of traditional Jews to demonstrate their opposition to Zionism, efforts which are sometimes ignored by some media outlets. Convincing the news media, politicians and the public to cease referring to the State of Israel as the ‘Jewish State’ but to call it what it is: the ‘Zionist State’.


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