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Tactiques de contrôle sionistes

Depuis le début du sionisme, les sionistes ont toujours été soutenus par une énorme quantité d'argent et d'influence politique, qu'ils ont utilisés avec une grande efficacité et sans pitié. Un exemple bien connu est le lobby sioniste, l'AIPAC, l'une des organisations de lobbying les plus puissantes des États-Unis. Souvent, le résultat de la pression exercée par l'AIPAC sur les politiciens est une hostilité et une animosité intenses de la part de ces derniers. Ces sentiments se métastasent souvent en antisémitisme.

An inside look at AIPAC’s political muscle was unwittingly granted when in 1992, Chaim Katz, a New York businessman, secretly recorded a phone conversation with David Steiner, the president of AIPAC, and released it to the Washington Post. [1] Among the things Steiner said to Katz:

I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they’re looking for the Jewish votes, and I’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear ... Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don’t even know about ... I’ve got a whole shopping list of things ... I have friends on the Clinton campaign, close associates ... I’ve known Bill for seven, eight years from the National Governors Association. I know him on a personal basis ... We have a dozen people in the campaign, in the headquarters, in Little Rock, and they’re all going to get big jobs ... I also work with a think tank, the Washington Institute. I have Michael Mandelbaum and Martin Indyk being foreign policy advisers ... We have Bill Clinton’s ear. I talked to Bill Clinton. He’s going to be very good for us ... A girl who worked for me at AIPAC stood up for them at their wedding. Hillary lived with her. I mean we have those relationships ... One of my officers, Monte Friedkin, is one of the biggest fund-raisers for them. I mean, I have people like that all over the country ... He’s said he’s going to help us. He’s got something in his heart for the Jews, he has Jewish friends ... Clinton is the best guy for us ... We’re just negotiating. We’re more interested right now in the secretary of state and the secretary of National Security Agency ... I’ve got a list. But I really can’t go through it. I’m not allowed to talk about it … [2]

Katz told the Washington Times that he taped the conversation because “as someone Jewish, I am concerned when a small group has disproportionate power. I think that hurts everyone, including Jews. If David Steiner wants to talk about the incredible, disproportionate clout AIPAC has, the public should know about it.” [3]

Les sionistes ne nient pas jouer le jeu du pouvoir juif dans les affaires nationales et même internationales. Tout comme Herzl a joué sur la perception antisémite du pouvoir juif, la confirmant et l'encourageant, les sionistes ont suivi ses traces. C'est une tradition sioniste que d'encourager le monde à croire qu'ils exercent le pouvoir du monde juif, que le monde juif a beaucoup plus de pouvoir qu'ils n'en ont en réalité, et d'utiliser cette illusion du pouvoir exercé par les sionistes pour faire pression en faveur de leurs causes.

Les sionistes exercent effectivement un pouvoir considérable, mais le problème est exacerbé par leur tendance à gonfler leur pouvoir en présentant tous les juifs comme leurs mandants. Les exemples de ce comportement abondent.

In 2003 British politician Tam Dalyell accused Tony Blair of buckling to pressure from “the Jewish lobby.” For referring to the Zionist lobby as the “Jewish Lobby,” Dalyell was accused of anti-Semitism. Blaming Jews for the acts of Zionists, his accusers claimed, is anti-Semitic. That is true, of course, as the Zionists do not, in fact, represent world Jewry. Journalist Paul Foot observed that Dalyell was “wrong to complain about Jewish pressure. But that is a mistake that is constantly encouraged by the Zionists.”[4]

En d'autres termes, il est faux de rendre tous les Juifs responsables des actes des sionistes. Mais cette "erreur" que font tant de gens est une chose que les sionistes encouragent activement en affirmant que le sionisme est le judaïsme et qu'Israël représente tous les Juifs.


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